SAFAS   Scottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies  
Safas - Scottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies - Friends Romans and Countryside

NAFAS & ECT Travel

News from ECT Travel - 5th June 2023

We were very sad to hear the news that Rekad, publishers of Fleur Créatif magazine and organisers of such wonderful floral events as Fleuramour, has closed.  

Fleuramour was one of Europe’s most prestigious floral events and has been a highlight of our tour programme for many years. The show was the brainchild of Jomi Hemschoote who, in 1996, decided to create an event to help publicise a book about Belgian floristry he had recently published. Jomi invited 25 florists to Alden Biesen, where they created displays and gave demonstrations. More than 2,000 Belgians came to see what was happening. The show became an annual must-visit event, famed for its boundary-pushing installations. It also led to the creation of the trend-setting industry magazine Fleur Créatif.  

ECT Travel has worked with Rekad ever since Jomi Hemschoote first came to visit us almost 20 years ago and our partnership continued to flourish when Jomi’s son, Lieven, took over. Fleuramour, its sister event Fleuramour Crystals & Flowers, and our Fleur Créatif Workshop Adventures have all been much-loved highlights of our tour programme, with many of our customers returning year after year.  We will miss these inspiring events and wish our friends at Rekad all the very best.  

Our passion for flowers continues undimmed and more fabulous flower-themed tours are blooming – why not visit our website to discover more? 


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